Outside view of The Center for Organizational Effectiveness

Honors College

About The Honors College

Florida Tech’s Honors College recognizes the talents and initiative of high-performing students in the College of Aeronautics, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, College of Engineering and Science, and College of Psychology and Liberal Arts. Students in the Honors College have the opportunity to enroll in interdisciplinary seminars, advance study in their disciplines, work with faculty members on independent research projects, and participate in social and cultural activities that foster a global mindset, civic engagement, and professional and personal development.

Honors College students take an interdisciplinary Honors Seminar and a range of Honors courses that satisfy the General Education Core and program requirements. Honors courses are often smaller sections to facilitate a discussion-based format and encourage in-depth explorations of topics. Students are able to work with faculty members offering Honors options to non-Honors courses, expanding their skills in directed research, and on independent research projects.

Beyond the classroom, Honors College students are part of a community of scholars with shared and diverse interests. Programmatic activities are a cornerstone of the Honors experience at Florida Tech, guiding the development of Honors students and the Honors College. Students will have the opportunity to expand their studies through lectures, panel discussions and colloquia with faculty members, alumni and guest speakers. Mentorship and leadership opportunities promote personal and professional development in addition to extra-curricular activities that also inspire students to become involved within local and global communities.

The Honors experience at Florida Tech provides a range of opportunities that can be customized to suit students across majors.

Honors College Advisor and Staff

Dr. Munevver Mine Subasi
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Amanda Bomser
Administrative Assistant III

Honors Faculty Fellows

Nancy Garmer
Associate Dean | Evans Library
Dr. Tolga Turgut
Associate Professor | College of Aeronautics
Dr. Michael Slotkin
Professor | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business
Dr. Csaba Palotai
Associate Professor | Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
Dr. Charles Polson
Associate Professor | Department of Biomedical Engineering and Science
Dr. James Brenner
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Dr. Abdullah Aydeger
Assistant Professor | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr.Stanley Snelson
Assistant Professor | Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering
Dr. Darshan Pahinkar
Assistant Professor | Department of Mechanical and CivilEngineering
Dr. Chungkuk Jin
Assistant Professor | Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences
Dr. Kevin Burke
Associate Professor | School of Arts and Communication
Dr. Kaitlynn Gokey
Assistant Professor | School of Behavior Analysis
Dr. Travis Conradt
Assistant Professor | School of Psychology
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