Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences Building

Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Emergency Coordinators
  4. Implementation of the Contingency Plan
  5. Evacuation Plan
  6. Control Procedures
  7. Reporting of Emergency Hazardous Waste Incidents
  8. Decontamination
  9. Preparedness and Prevention
  10. Inspections
  11. Contingency Plan Management


  1. General Background

    Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech) located at 150 West University Boulevard in Melbourne, Florida is an independent technological university that provides education through basic and applied research.

    Areas of academic study at the university include:
    • Engineering (aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, marine, environmental, mechanical)
    • Science (biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and space)
    • Aeronautics (airport management and development, flight training, live tower communication)
    • Business
    • Psychology and Liberal Arts (humanities, military science (Army ROTC), clinical, applied behavioral analysis)

    Florida Tech was founded in 1958 and is located on 130 acres in the vicinity of the Indian River and Atlantic Ocean. Student enrollment at the university is approximately 4,800.

  2. Hazardous Waste and Associated Hazards

    Table 1 lists the typical hazardous wastes generated by Florida Tech and their corresponding hazardous characteristics. It is vital that proper Personal Protective Equipment is used while handling any hazardous waste.

    All corrosive waste generated on-site should be handled with extreme caution using nitrile gloves and safety goggles.

    Table 2 lists the typical universal wastes generated by Florida Tech.

    Table 1
    Florida Institute of Technology (biannually)
    Waste TypeApproximate Generation Rate (biannually)Hazardous Characteristics
    Aerosol Cans Flammable 82 pounds D001
    Aqueous Metals 163 pounds D001, D002, D005, D007, D008, D011
    Corrosive Liquid Acidic 1171 pounds D001, D002, F003
    Halogenated Solvents 622 pounds D001, D018, D021, D022, F002, F003, F005
    Corrosive Liquid Basic 580 pounds D002
    Non-halogenated Solvents 694 pounds D001, F003, F005
    Lab Packs  1,226 pounds D001, D002, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011, D018, D022, D035, F002, F003, F005, U002, U007, U0022,
    U050, U053, U057, U080, U103, U108, U112, U117, U123, U136, U138, U156,
    U159, U160, U169, U188, U213, U220, U227, U239, U239, U404
    Lab Packs P-Listed 47 pounds D001, D003, P022, P037, P064, P087, P105, P108

    Table 2
    Florida Institute of Technology
    Waste TypeGeneration Rate
    CRT Monitors & Televisions 1,388 pounds
    Batteries - Lead Acid, Sealed 737 pounds
    Batteries - Alkaline 280 pounds
    Batteries - Lithium Magnesium 18 pounds
    Mercury Containing lamps - 4ft 1,198 pounds
    Mercury Containing lamps - 6ft 54 pounds
    High Intensity Discharge Lamps (HID) 70 pounds
    Compact Fluorescent Lamps 82 pounds

    Table 3 lists the location of satellite accumulation areas (SAAs). Containers in SAAs are stored at or near the point of generation.

    TABLE 3
    Florida Institute of Technology
    Building NameBuilding Number
    F.W. Olin Engineering 501
    F.W. Olin Life Sciences 500
    F.W. Olin Physical Sciences 502
    Frueauff Building 427
    Grounds Management 612/613
    Harris Center for Science & Engineering 504
    Harris Student Design Center 548
    Link Building 424
    Machine Shop 538 and Sheds A & B
    QUAD 404 104
    GN Health Sciences Building 505

    The following management practices apply to the SAAs in use at Florida Tech. An SAA must be at or near the point of waste generation and under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste.

    • Up to 55 gallons of hazardous waste and up to one quart of acutely hazardous waste can be accumulated at each SAA.
    • There is no limit on the duration that a container can utilized in an SAA.
    • While in the accumulation area, the containers must be kept closed except when adding or removing waste.
    • The containers must be in good condition, no evidence of leaks, spills, or deterioration and must be compatible with contents.
    • Hazardous waste containers should be stored in secondary containment.
    • Hazardous waste containers managed in the SAAs must be labeled with the words "Hazardous Waste," applicable hazards, and words that identify the contents specific for each waste stream.


In accordance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 265 Subpart D, State of Florida Hazardous Waste Regulations Section 62-730.180(2), Florida Administrative Code (FAC) and 29 CFR 1910.38 the following plan will be used in the event of an emergency. The purpose of the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan is three-fold:

  1. To act as a guide during actual emergency situations.
  2. To minimize hazards to human health and the environment from fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to the air, soils, or surface water; and
  3. To familiarize local emergency response personnel (i.e. police, fire, and rescue departments, hospital and governmental personnel) with the types of material handled and internal emergency response procedures.

The provisions of this plan will be carried out immediately whenever there is a fire, explosion, and release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents which could threaten human health or the environment (air, soil, surface water). This plan is also intended to describe the actions university personnel must take to minimize hazards to human health or the environment in the event of fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous wastes.

Emergency Coordinators

The following Florida Tech employees must be notified in case of a fire, explosion, or any sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents:

Florida Institute of Technology
Director of Environmental Health &
(321) 674-7715 (321) 419-8021
Alternate Emergency Coordinator: Assistant Director of Environmental Health & Safety  (321) 674-8881 

(321) 674-8881 

Alternate Emergency Coordinator: Hazardous Waste Specialist (321) 674-7562 (908) 930-7411
Florida Technology
Security (24-hour)
CALL BOX (321) 674-8111

As required in 40 CFR 265.55, the Emergency Coordinator or the Alternate Emergency Coordinator will either be on the university premises or on call (i.e. available to respond to an emergency by reaching the university within a short period of time) at all times. The Emergency Coordinator and the Alternate Emergency Coordinator must be:

  • Familiar with the university layout.
  • Know the locations and characteristics of the hazardous waste handled.
  • Familiar with all operations and activities at the university.
  • Know the locations of all hazardous waste records (e.g. manifests, inspection logs, training records, etc.).
  • Have the authority to commit university resources in the event of an emergency.

Implementation of the Contingency Plan

This Plan will be immediately implemented whenever there is an imminent or actual situation that could threaten human health or the environment. This section outlines the decision-making criteria, which the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate should use to define situations in which the Contingency Plan will be implemented. The Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate must have the authority to commit the resources needed to carry out the Contingency Plan.

This Plan will be implemented in the situations listed below plus any other situation deemed necessary by the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate:

  1. Fire and/or Explosion
    • An explosion has occurred.
    • A fire causes the release of toxic fumes.
    • The fire could possibly spread to off-site areas.
    • The fire could possibly spread and ignite other on-site materials.
    • The fire could possibly cause heat-induced explosions.
    • Use of water or chemical fire suppressant could result in contaminated runoff.
    • An imminent danger exists that an explosion could occur.
    • An imminent danger exists that an explosion could ignite hazardous waste at the facility.
    • An imminent danger exists that an explosion could result in the release of toxic materials.
  2. Spills or Material Release
    • The spill could result in the release of flammable liquids or vapors, thus causing a fire or gas explosion hazard.
    • The spill could cause the release of toxic liquids or fumes.
    • The spill can be contained on-site resulting in off-site soil contamination and/or ground water or surface water pollution.
  3. Floods
    • The potential exits for surface water contamination, but not for contamination by floodwaters.

Emergency Procedures

Florida Tech personnel must notify the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate if any of the conditions listed in Section 4.0 are observed. Implementing emergency procedures are the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate. Such procedures are specifically outlined in 40 CFR 265, Subpart D.

During the initial phases of an emergency response prior to the arrival of a responding agency, the Emergency Coordinator will temporarily assume the role of "Incident Commander" and initiate the immediate response procedures outlined below. The response procedure described below, and the control procedures described in Section 7.0 follow the Emergency Response Procedure diagram.

Immediate Emergency Response Procedures

  1. If necessary, the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate should activate internal university alarms in the necessary area to notify all university personnel and students in that area of evacuation.
  2. University Resident Assistants/Departmental Assistants/Managers, if necessary, will evacuate all personnel and students within their dormitory/department. Refer to the this section.
  3. The Emergency Coordinator will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies included in the Emergency Response Procedure diagram. The role of "Incident Commander" will be assumed by one of the responding agencies (e.g. City of Melbourne Fire Department, Police Department or Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)) upon arrival to the University.
  4. The Emergency Coordinator must report the following information to the responding agency (ies):
    • The character of the incident;
    • The exact source of any fire, explosion, or released materials;
    • The amount of any released materials;
    • The extent of any released materials;
    • Possible hazards to human health or the environment.

Procedures During Emergency

  1. If the University stops operations in response to a fire, explosion, or release, the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate must monitor leaks, pressure build up, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes or other equipment, as appropriate. Emergency Shut-Offs for utilities and major on- site operations are described in Section 7.0.
  2. If the emergency involves a fire, refer to the Fire Control Procedure described in Section H.
  3. If the emergency involves a spill or release of hazardous material, refer to the Spill Control Procedure described in Section 8.2.
  4. If the emergency involves a spill or release of hazardous material, the Emergency Coordinator will complete the immediate notifications listed in Section 4.

Follow-Up Activities

  1. All waste materials generated during the emergency must be properly identified, stored, and disposed of in accordance with State and Federal regulations; as described in Section 8.
  2. All emergency equipment is cleaned, decontaminated, and is fit for reuse, as described in Section 9 and 10.
  3. The Emergency Coordinator will complete the written incident reports for the regulatory agencies referred to in Section 9.

Evacuation Plan

Evacuation of Florida Institute of Technology Personnel and Students

All emergencies require prompt and deliberate action. The Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate is responsible for determining which emergency situations require university evacuation. Only the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate indicates total university evacuation by voice command.

In the event the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate calls for a university evacuation the following actions will be taken:

  1. Inform all employees and students to evacuate the effected building(s) by fire alarm, university’s emergency notification system where warnings are issued by text, email, verbal instructions, posted notices, website, social media (Facebook, Twitter) Local TV and Radio Stations.
  2. All personnel, students, visitors, and contractors will immediately leave the campus area using emergency exits.
  3. No persons shall remain or re-enter the location unless specifically authorized by the person(s) calling for evacuation. In allowing this, the person in charge assumes responsibility for those persons within the perimeter.
  4. Once outside the building, employees and students are to report to the . If the nature of the emergency or the activities of emergency responders make this impractical or unsafe, the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate may direct evacuees to an alternate rally point.
  5. Managers/Departmental Assistants will take a head count to determine if there are any missing employees.
  6. Managers/Departmental Assistants/Resident Assistants will take a head count to determine if there are any missing students.
  7. Contractors will be accounted for by the individuals they are working for at the rally point.
  8. No attempt to find persons not accounted for will involve endangering lives of others by re-entry into emergency areas; and
  9. Re-entry into the area will be made only after the Emergency Coordinator or his/her alternate gives clearance. At his/her discretion, an "All Clear" signal will be given for re-entry into the university building(s).
  10. Visitors will be the responsibility of those employees/students they are seeing. Contractors are the responsibility of those persons administering the individual contracts.

Off-Site Notification/Evacuation Procedure

To notify the neighboring properties in an emergency, Florida Tech will contact the City of Melbourne Fire Department (phone number: 911). If necessary, an evacuation of the neighboring properties will be done by the City of Melbourne Police Department under the direction of the City of Melbourne Fire Department.

Shut-down of Operations

In the event of an emergency, the following critical operations may need to be shutdown before or during evacuation of the University. The Emergency Coordinator or Alternate will make judgments regarding the safety and need for these actions.

  1. Boilers within a building.
  2. Electricity Main for the building.
  3. Water Main for the building.
  4. Natural Gas Main for the building.
  5. Nitrogen Main for the building.
  6. Other propane tanks and fuel sources.

Control Procedures

Fire and/or Explosion Control Procedures

The < 90-day hazardous waste container storage areas can be easily accessed by fire fighting and other emergency vehicles and equipment. If a fire breaks out, concentration will be placed on contacting local fire fighting officials (see Emergency Response Procedures diagram) and the orderly evacuation of the affected area(s).

The following actions will be taken in the areas affected by a fire or explosion:

  1. The fire department will be called by dialing 911. Be prepared to give name, location of fire, possible chemicals involved, and approximate quantity.
  2. The area will be cleared of all personnel and/or students. These persons are to report to the designated rally point for accountability.
  3. All injured persons will be removed and qualified personnel will administer medical treatment.

University personnel may only extinguish minor incipient fires (e.g. fires contained in waste paper baskets).

Spill or Release Control Procedures

For all spills or leaks, the following guidelines will be followed as closely as possible:

  1. 1. If a leak or spill of chemicals or oil develops, the person discovering the discharge will leave the immediate area and contact the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate. The following information will be collected by the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate:
    • Person(s) injured and seriousness of injury.
    • Location of the spill or leak, material involved, and source.
    • The approximate amount spilled, an estimate of the liquid and/or gas discharge rate, and the direction the liquid flow or gaseous cloud is moving.
    • Whether a fire is involved.
  2. For chemical, oil and/or hazardous waste spills the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate will use the following procedure:

    • Initiate evacuation of the hazard area and shutdown all equipment. Evacuation procedures are contained in Section 6 and 7. For small spills or leaks isolate at least twenty-five (25) feet in all directions. For large spills, initially isolate at least fifty (50) feet in all directions and keep all personnel upwind of spill.
    • Call the ambulance service for any injured persons.
    • Call the fire department (911) if a fire is involved. Note that fire emergencies generally supersede spill emergencies (see Fire Control Procedures, Section 8).


    • Determine if the spill can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise controlled at the time of release without involving employee exposure or reasonable possibility for employee exposure to safety or health hazards. If there is no reasonable possibility for employee exposure to safety or health hazards, then the procedure in 3 below can be used.
    • If a spill poses a safety or health hazard and therefore cannot be cleaned-up by Florida Tech personnel, contact a licensed commercial emergency cleanup firm.
    • Contact the proper authorities to report the spill or release. Contact local authorities first so that, if necessary, downstream water users and/or persons downwind of the vapor can be notified and, if necessary, evacuated. Additional reporting requirements are contained in Section 8 and 9.
  3. If the spill is incidental and can be absorbed, neutralized or otherwise controlled at the time or release by employees in the immediate release area or by maintenance personnel and does not pose an adverse physical or health hazard to employees, then the spill will be handled in the following manner:
    • Make sure all unnecessary persons are removed from the hazard area.
    • Remove all surrounding materials that could be especially reactive with the materials in the spilled waste/chemical/oil.
    • Use absorbent pads, booms, earth, sandbags, sand, and other inert materials to contain, divert, neutralize a clean up a spill if it has not been contained by a dike or sump.
    • Procedure to follow for leaking drum:
      • Move drum into or construct containment area or over-pack drum;
      • Roll drum or stand up on end away from leak;
      • Drain contents (transfer to clean drum);
      • Label drum accordingly;
      • Absorb spillage or leakage with absorbent;
      • Transfer absorbent waste to drum, label accordingly; and
      • Store until final disposal
    • Place all containment and cleanup materials in drums for proper disposal. Some items, such as absorbent rags or booms, may have to be cut up.
    • Place all recovered liquid wastes in drums for removal to an approved disposal site.
  4. If the spill is too dangerous for university personnel.  University personnel may assist in handling incidental releases of hazardous waste that present no risk to personnel and can be cleaned up easily using readily available absorbent materials.  University personnel will not respond to spills or any other emergency incident that poses a safety or health hazard to personnel. An outside contractor will be contacted if a spill or any other emergency incident poses a safety or health hazard to college personnel.

    For incidents that require outside assistance, the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate will contact the City of Melbourne Fire Department (911) and/or a commercial cleanup firm:

    Clean Earth
    24 hour Hotline: (877) 577-2669

  5. All emergency equipment used in the emergency will be returned to ready status prior to resumption of normal University operations in the affected area.

Disposal of Used Cleanup Material

All potentially contaminated material (i.e. clothing, gloves, disposable equipment, soil, absorbents) and decontamination liquids (decontamination wash water) must be managed according to the procedures listed below.

  • Contain the cleanup material into a dedicated 55-gallon drum as soon as a spill is absorbed, but no later than the end of the day in which the spill occurred.
  • The dedicated drum should be labeled with the words "FL REGULATED WASTE" and "WASTE CHEMICAL SOLID".
  • Determine if the recovered spill residue is on the lists of P- or U- hazardous wastes (see 40 CFR 261.33).
  • Conduct a characteristic hazardous waste determination on the cleanup material.
  • The used cleanup material must then be disposed properly based on the outcome of the hazardous waste determination. If the material is identified as non-hazardous by analytical testing, the waste profile must be submitted to Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department for approval prior to disposal at the Central Disposal Facility, Cocoa. Alternately, the cleanup material may be disposed by properly licensed transporter and disposal facility.
  • Shipping records for used materials that are transported off-site should be maintained in Florida Tech’s files.

Reporting of Emergency Hazardous Waste Incidents

Immediate Notifications

State Spill/Release Notification

Any oil or petroleum products, chemical liquid, chemical solid, liquid product, gaseous product or hazardous waste that is released above the reportable quantity which constitutes a spill and poses a potential threat to human health or the environment, must be immediately reported to the following:

Florida 24-hour State Watch Office — (800) 320-0519

CERCLA Spill/Release Notification

Consult the Safety Data Sheet of the released substance to determine if it is a CERCLA hazardous substance and, if it is, the 24-hour reportable quantity. If a CERCLA hazardous substance is spilled or released to the environment and the amount equal or exceeds its reportable quantity within a 24-hour period, it must be reported to the following agencies:

National Response Center — (800) 424-8802

Local Emergency Planning Committee — (407) 262-7772

Brevard County Emergency Management — (321) 637-6670

Follow-Up Reporting

State Spill/Response Reporting

Any spill or release that has been immediately reported to the Florida DEP Bureau of Emergency Response must be followed by a written report submitted to the FDEP Central District Office within seven (7) days. View a copy of the Florida spill reporting form.

Hazardous Waste Emergency Reporting

Within fifteen (15) days of an emergency involving hazardous waste that requires implementation of this Contingency Plan, Florida Tech will report the incident in writing to the Florida DEP Central District Office at the following contact address:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Central District
3319 Maquire Boulevard
Orlando, Florida 32803-3767
(407) 897-4100

If the EPA Regional Administrator was notified during or immediately after the emergency, Florida Institute of Technology will also provide a follow-up report to the following agency within fifteen (15) days:

The Regional Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center (SNAFC)
61 Forsyth Street SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960
(800) 241-1754

Both the Florida DEP and the EPA reports must include at least the following informational items:

  • Name, address and telephone number of the owner/operator.
  • Name, address and telephone number of the college.
  • Date, time and type of incident (e.g. fire, explosion).
  • Where did the incident occur.
  • How did the incident occur.
  • Name and quantity of material(s) involved.
  • What actions were taken to respond and contain the incident.
  • The extent of the injuries, if any.
  • An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the environment, where applicable; and
  • Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered material that resulted from the incident.


Decontamination Procedures

Decontamination of personnel and equipment must be conducted to reduce or eliminate the transport of contaminants from the emergency area into other areas of the facility or out into the environment where unprotected personnel may be exposed.

University personnel may assist in decontamination that presents no risk to personnel.

University personnel will not assist in any decontamination activities that pose a safety or health hazard risk to personnel.

Decontamination methods for personnel will depend on the type of contaminants, protection level, and work assignment and operation location.

  • If a contractor has to be called in, the contractor will be responsible for the decontamination of his or her own equipment.
  • If an incident occurs where contamination levels are expected to be elevated, a more rigorous decontamination protocol may be necessary, such as a soap wash station along with appropriate rinsing.
  • If oils or heavy contamination is encountered, then steam cleaning of work surfaces may be necessary.
  • For small equipment (hand tools, analytical equipment), a wipe down with a soap spray should be sufficient. For heavy contamination, additional measures may be warranted.

Disposal Procedures

All discarded materials, waste materials, or other objects shall be handled in such a way as to avoid the potential for spreading contamination, creating a sanitary hazard, or causing litter to be left on site. All potentially contaminated material (i.e. clothing, gloves, disposable equipment, soil, absorbents) and decontamination liquids (decontamination wash water) must be managed according to the Control Procedures.

Preparedness and Prevention

Florida Tech must maintain the emergency equipment necessary to safeguard college personnel during a release of hazardous waste and for appropriate use to contain a release and prevent it from reaching or spreading further into the environment.

All equipment is inspected periodically by University Facilities personnel and is maintained to ensure it is present and fully functioning.

Table 5 lists the types of emergency equipment present at the University and describes its capabilities.

Florida Institute of Technology
Fire Extinguishers Wall-mounted portable fire fighting apparatus. All fire extinguishers on campus are of the ABC type. Mounted throughout all buildings on campus. 
Spill Kits with Absorbent Material Consist of granular absorbents, vermiculite, pads, booms, and mats appropriate to the area. Located throughout campus in all areas with chemicals. 
First Aid Kits Contain all or a selection of the following: Adhesive strip bandages - assorted sizes, Adhesive tape, Rubbing Alcohol 70%, Alcohol wipes, Antacid, Antibiotic ointment, Baking soda, Calamine lotion, Cotton balls, Cotton swabs, Disposable latex or vinyl gloves, Elastic bandages, Face mask for CPR, First aid guide, Gauze pads - various sizes, Household ammonia, Hydrocortisone cream .5%, Hydrogen Peroxide, Hypoallergenic tape, Ice bag, Insect repellent, Insect sting swabs, Non-adhering dressings, Over-the-counter pain medication [aspirin], Roller gauze - self adhering, Safety pins, Salt, Scissors, Soap, Sugar or glucose solution, Thermometer, Tongue blades, Tweezers, Waterproof tape. Located throughout campus. 
Telephone System Capable of external communication Located in all offices throughout campus.
Emergency Call Boxes Calls Florida Tech Security directly Located throughout Campus and at Hazardous Waste Storage Shed
Fire Alarm Pull Stations Wall-mounted units that will contact the Fire Department when activated Located in all buildings and floors throughout campus.
Eye Wash Stations The eye wash stations meet the 15-minute flow time required and are either permanently affixed and plumbed, gravity flow units made of a durable ABS plastic, or wall-mounted bottle stations. Access to eye wash stations is made available without obstructions. Located throughout campus in all areas with chemicals.
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) An AED is the only effective treatment for restoring a regular heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest and is an easy to operate tool for someone with no medical background. Located a select locations on campus.
Emergency Showers Emergency showers provide for an immediate drench of the skin. Access showers is made available without intervening partitions or obstructions. Located throughout campus in all areas with chemicals.


Florida Tech Facilities personnel conduct periodic inspections of emergency equipment and ensure that all equipment used is cleaned, replaced or otherwise made fit for its intended use before University operations resume.

Inspection of all spill kits to ensure that adequate spill control materials are intact is also a component of the inspections conducted by University Facilities personnel.

Arrangement with Local Authorities

State and Federal regulations require that arrangements be made with local police and fire departments, hospitals, contractors, and State and Local emergency response teams to provide emergency services as needed. To fulfill these requirements, Florida Institute of Technology will familiarize the local Police and Fire Departments with the following by, at a minimum, providing each with a copy of this Contingency Plan.

  • The layout of the college.
  • Properties and hazards associated with the wastes handled at the college.
  • Places where college personnel would normally be working.
  • Entrances to the college; and
  • Evacuation routes.

Each of the agencies listed below will be provided with a copy of this Contingency Plan and following their acceptance of the plan, agreements will be made in regards to the specific issues below:

The City of Melbourne Police Department:

  • The layout of the college.
  • Properties and hazards associated with the wastes handled at the college.
  • Places where college personnel would normally be working.
  • Entrances to the college; and
  • Evacuation routes.

The City of Melbourne Fire Department:

  • Primary emergency authority
  • Immediate response
  • Primary fire fighting services

Health First's Holmes Regional Medical Center

  • Primary medical services
  • Rescue services

Contingency Plan Management

Plan Review

Under the following conditions, this Plan for the operations at 150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida will be reviewed and revised.

  1. Upon consummation of arrangements with local police and fire departments, hospitals, and commercial cleanup contractors.
  2. Plan fails during emergency.
  3. Unanticipated problems arise; or
  4. Emergency contacts not properly equipped to handle situation.
  5. Whenever listed personnel change, including the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate or any other individual listed in the Plan.
  6. Facility is altered.
  7. Physical modifications.
  8. New emergency equipment; or
  9. Change in wastes generated.

Locations of the Contingency Plan

Copies of this Plan will be kept in the following locations:

  • University's website - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (Hazardous Waste Contingency Plans)
  • Office of Environmental Health & Safety - Building 404

Locations of the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan

  • Office of Environmental Health & Safety - Building 404, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901.
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