

Grants Management in Workday

Workday is the university’s information system for human resources, financial operations, procurement, expenses, and grants. Workday is a cloud-based ERP solution that provides enhanced accessibility, an intuitive UI, self-service tasks for employees and managers, integrated business processes on financial and human resources tasks, and data transparency to drive decision making.

Workday supports principal investigators, administrators, and staff by providing insights across finance, payroll, HR and planning for grants users.  Grant management through Workday eliminates reporting errors, losses from unspent funds, and the risks associated with noncompliance – providing transparency into stuck processes and a clear audit trail of what occurred.

Through Workday, there is full visibility on an award into terms and conditions, dates, balances, and more to ensure PIs that all grant requirements are met. PIs can see costs and revenue in real time for a complete view of financial position on awards in order to control unnecessary spending.  Workday also provides the ability to ensure that individuals have met their commitments to a sponsored project and their wages are commensurate with their work for effort certification.

 Job Aids

Award Overview goes through information and location on the actual award in Workday.

Compensation (Effort) Certification includes “How-To” video

Find My Subawards  for PIs with subawards. Provides information on subawards by award, subrecipient total contract amount, remaining balance and months remaining.

FIT – Award Budget Vs Actuals – PI report.  This report allows PIs to view their budget to actuals data based on award. Will only work for PIs based on Workday security.

FIT – Award Budget Vs Actuals – Co-PI report. This report allows co-PIs to view their budget to actuals data based on award. Will only work for co-PIs based on Workday security.

Award Overview – This job aid will provide guidance on information contained on an award.

For questions regarding balances on awards, please contact your grant accountant.


College/DepartmentGrant Accountant
Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences (APSS) Manfang Xu
Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences (BCES) Manfang Xu
College of Aeronautics Zach Taylor
College of Psychology and Liberal Arts (CoPLA) Jen Formigoni
Computer Engineering and Sciences (CES) Zach Taylor
Harris Institute for Assured Information Jen Formigoni
Mathematics and Systems Engineering (MSE) Manfang Xu
Mechanical and Civil Engineering (MCE) Zach Taylor
Nathan M. Bisk College of Business Jen Formigoni
Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences (OEMS) Jen Formigoni
weVENTURE Jen Formigoni
WFIT Radio Station Jen Formigoni

Grant Accountant Contacts:

Jen Formigoni:; 321-674-7276

Manfang Xu:; 321-674-7279

Zach Taylor:; 321-674-7418



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